Aamu Filmcompany / Amnesty International in Finland / Atena Kustannus, Publishing Company / Bazar Publishers / Bokförlaget Lind & Co, Sweden / Central Union for Child Welfare / Centria University of Applied Sciences / City of Kokkola / Dream Factory / Embassy of Finland, Bangkok / Factor Nova / Finland Scouter / Finnish National Theatre / Forlaget Alfa, Denmark / Gylndendal, Denmark / Formaatti / Halpa-Halli / Helsingin Diakonissalaitos / Into kustannus Publishing House / Iperborea s.r.l., Italy / Ketek, Technology Center / Kirjamedia / Kokkodent / Kokkola City Theatre / Kokkola Energia / Kokkolan Kinoyhdistys / Kosek / Lata de Sal, Spain / Lasten Keskus ja Kirjapaja Publishing House  / The National Museum of Finland / Norstar / Nykypuu / Maclehose Press, UK / Messeforum / Otava Publishing Company / Otavamedia / Raisoft / Sanoma Pro / Sanoma Media Finland / Schildts & Söderströms / Siltala Publishing  / Tammi Publishers / The Tampere Theatre / Teknoware / Teos, Publishing house  / Turbine Forlaget, Denmark / Uitgeverij Luitingh Sijthoff, Netherlands / Visit Kokkola / World Library, Japan / Wood One / WSOY Publishing  

